Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Day 3: Amanda
day 3 answer kwamain
Day 3 answer Malcolm
Day 3 Response: Lola Ogbara

Day 3 Answer: Matt Singleton
DAY 3- Walter
One I have never experience anything like this, were my religion made me think or got me confused. However I have had questions that began popping in my own head making me wonder, that my own religion to me began to be not liars but seem to be stuck up. There is up to billons if I am mistaking maybe even trillions of people in this world. Each one having their own believes on their church and their very own religion.
There is the Muslims, Catholics, and the list just goes on. As people knowing this they begging to hate the other religion creating tension with believes, cultures and race. Why is this? I began to go to church and ask the priest why are we fallowing these rules and having this subculture of fallowing JESUS why? Why do we fallow the Ten Commandments what is the purpose of believing on someone that we don’t even know if he exists why? All these random questions began to pop in my head. If is true of god and his savior that he brought to earth why do we have to be loyal for all I know god (if he does really exist) seems like a cocky person to me making us bow down and worship the all mighty. As conclusion I got kick out of the church and I have not gone well in a long time. These questions in my head began to make me wonder why is religion so complicated and so hard to understand all we need to know is there is someone there who created us and gave us guide lines to fallow so there wont be chaos in the world. Lets say I am of the word religion, the word itself get me confused.
Day 3 Response Ashley Renee

There have been plenty of times when I felt like an outsider at events. Just last month, I was at my cousin’s 35th birthday party. A lot of my family members where there and even more of his friends had showed up. I went to the party just to show my face and had intentions on leaving after we all sang happy birthday and had cake. Seeing how I didn’t drive to the party location myself, I had to stay until it was over. I was the only one there who was under 21 so I felt really out of place. My cousin, who is a year older than me, left early on that night. Everyone in the party was drinking and having a good time, while I sat on the sideline as the “purse watcher”. Things started to get worse when they played songs that I liked and wanted to dance to. I just had to dance from my seat. Once the party was close 2 ending and the lights came up, I started feeling a little more awkward when his friends who are in their 30’s and 40’s started trying to talk to me. I just smiled and shook my head. I got a laugh out of it in the end but it was still weird. Once we all got to the after party, I felt a little more comfortable because we relocated to his sister’s house. Everybody was talking, playing cards and enjoying the night together as one big happy family.
Answer to religion
When I was younger my parents found it very important to get me into religion, so they sent me to a religious education class from first grade through eighth grade. I never took well to it because I felt like it was being forced down my throat. I remember eventually as I learned more and more about it that it made no sense to me, I couldn’t and still don’t understand how a an all powerful and loving beining could exist. I was worried to ask because I was always told to not question the religion in that manner so I was at a loss as to how to handle it. So how I handled it is after eighth grade it was my choice whether or not I wanted to continue, I elected not to continue. Then I went to a place where I could discuss these view points with out worry of offending an entire religion. I signed my self up for a philosophy of world religions class that summer and come my senior year I registered for philosophy of self knowledge at my high school. Both of those classes were highly beneficial to me. I was able to ask the question I couldn’t ask a priest. Those classes reinforced what I had believed that from a philosophical stand point it is one hundred percent impossible for an omnipotent benevolent being to exists due to the definitions of those words. Since then I have not taken part in any form of religion.
Taylor Cole
Word count: 253
day 3

Day 3 Question Nelson
In the novel “Stranger Than Fiction”, Chuck Palahniuk visits an unusual type of festival called “Testy Festy”. As a regular to this event, Chuck most likely contains plenty of knowledge pertaining the festival. Writing so openly to it shows that he obviously is an outsider to this event because he is able to establish the weird and peculiar things that happen in his writing. Have you ever felt like Chuck Palahniuk and watched an event, celebration, parade, festival, (etc.), from the sidelines because you felt like an outsider?
day3 darius m question
Have you ever been confused on what to do because your religion had you thinking one thing but you wanted to do something else? What did you do and what was the result?