Monday, July 27, 2009
Day 5 response, amanda

Day 5 Answer: Matt Singleton

Response #5 Malcolm

I read Our America before and I even seen the film made based on the book. I understand and know how LeAlan and Lloyd’s neighborhood is like. I for one can compare some of the similes in both my “hood” and there “hood”.
Sure one things different in there neighborhood there is more violence than there is in mine, I wouldn’t imagine how violent it was there. But there is one thing that I can easily compare in both side of the story one in my neighborhood the people will never say anything if something went down and people saw it they will never open there mouth they are afraid to speak for reason that there family might get hurt. The same goes in Our America the people there are afraid of the gangs that’s why these two boys walk around with recorders to show the “people” what is to speak up and not to be afraid in there dark. Yea I can resemble the same things in both side of the story. There’s drug dealing, gangs, and the list goes on with out an end. But the only thing is that there is no one to show my side of the neighborhood. The only people are the media, showing the wrong and not taking time to show reality of the good of the neighborhood. Sure there’s bad but that’s everywhere. I am just tired of people and the media covering up the good side of the neighborhood.
Response #4: Lola Ogbara

My inspiration for going to college and becoming the best person I can be came from my mother. When I was younger, we struggled to make ends meet and because of that she would always tell me how much talent I had and what I can do with it. She would make sure I had all the art supplies I needed such as art easels, pens, pencils, paints, paint brushes, paper, illustration boards, sketch pads, markers, etc. She bought all of these things to better my chance of perfecting my skills in art. My mother used to always tell me in order to become someone successful in life, I would need to get an education and go to college, something she did not get a chance to finish when she was younger. I felt like I can accomplish anything knowing that my mother would be supporting me through all my years of schooling. As of now, we both attending college and are in progress of getting a degree. She has gone back to college to obtain a degree in criminal justice and I am just starting my journey to obtain a degree in graphic design. We are supporting each other through our journeys.
day 5 nelson answer to walter

My sister being my main role model always seemed to capture a new point that I chose to chase. When I was younger, she was popular and very stylish. I looked up to her all my life always being worried at how she looked at me. I guess when I was younger, I tended to push her away a little to discover myself as who I am. It seemed she was always at least three steps ahead of every path I chose to take. As time progressed, I finally accepted her as always going to be ahead of me regardless of age, but of wisdom and fashion. My sister, Delicia, was my main inspiration towards going to college and getting myself a great education. Although it seems that my actions will always be almost half as good as what she did, I feel that if I get even that far the accomplishment has exceeded beyond normal quality. My sister is someone that I not only look up to, but admire as more of a hero figure on account of she acknowledges my problems and helps me through them. There are some instances where the depth of her consideration and help has been involved to where I probably would never be able to repay her in anyway. I am glad my sister has been my inspiration because she will never leave my side nor will she ever do anything to hurt me on purpose. She is all that in the end I got and I could never ask god or anybody else for better.

Who influenced me

For a long time I was sent on majoring in wildlife biology, but my first college expierence with the required math classes mad it very promentant that this was not for me. In September of 2008 I found out ACDC was coming to town and i woke up at 3AM for a week straight to try to call in to 97.9 to win tickets because I could not afford ACDC and school. Friday was my last chance to get ACDC tickets from Johnathan Brandmeier and that day he was giving away front row tickets to ACDC. The night before I decided I am NOT going to miss this concert so my girlfriend and I stayed up untill 1AM making a poster. I then took a 2am train to Chicago and made my way to Merchandise mart home of 97.9. I stood out side the station and held up a sign that said in red letters “HEY JOHNNY WE NEED ACDC TICKETS.” The poster was designed very well because my girlfriend is a studio art major. Sure enough this sign cought his attenion. He then brought me inside and interviewed my live on air. By the end of all of this we ended up with the tickets and during a commercial break he said hey whats your major? and I told him i was undecided. He then told me I should consider going into radio because I did very well. Then he had two schools send me information he had the Illinois center for broadcasting send me information along with Columbia College. Now i am attending Columbia College as a radio major, all thanks to Johnantan Brandmeier.
Taylor Cole
Word count:276
Answer for lola's question Kevin Scott

When I was 7 or 8 my mom didn’t like me and my sister listening to hip hop but my sister did it eney way so one day I wit in her room an got her cd player an in it was a nas cd in it not sure of watch cd of his it was all I know is that I liked it later on that day my sister beat me up for tacking her cd but she also rallied we head some thing in conmen so she would let me use her cd player even to day she is a supporter of my writing she think its cool that her nas cd in spared me but little do she know it was the fact that she was listening to it was the only risen I wanted to I have always look up to her be cues she’s smart an a jock an does what she needs to do an is always happy to help me she even give good advice I will always love her no matter what
Walter's Question
In the novel Stranger than fiction chuck travels around the nation getting ideas to inspire him to write his novels. Talk about an event or someone that inspired you to do what you do now? How did it feel having someone to supporting you? What was it? Who was it? What is that you do? These are just some ideas include your own questions if you wish.