Tuesday, July 28, 2009
day 6 answer kwamain
Answer Day 6 Malcolm

Day 6 Answer: Matt Singleton

Answer Response Day 7-Ashley Eiland

A sub-culture I sort of belong to is Gramps Lil Champs home daycare, which is own by my mom. After school, everyday, I go home to do homework and afterwards I play games with the kids who attend the daycare. Sometimes I take them out to the park or we just walk to the store and talk about what they did while I was gone. I feel more comfortable around the kids, mainly because I have one of my own, which attends Gramps Lil Champs home daycare. Ever since I was little, I loved to be around kids. In April, every year, my family would take trips to Louisville, Mississippi for our annual family reunion. While my mom and aunts stayed over at hotels, I would stay at my aunts’ house with my younger cousins. We would stay up all hours of the night and talk about what has been going on with us throughout our separation from one another. Most of my little cousins look up to me in different ways. Some of them have even gone as far as to say that I’m their favorite. I have spent most of my time being around kids ever since I was young. Living in a house full of kids, everyday is a new surprise. My life never has a dull moment with the kids around. Kids are eye-openers of the world. They show us things that we wouldn’t see for ourselves by looking in the mirror or watching the news.
Day 6, Amanda response

Walter Day 6. answer to Amanda's question.

Having the passion to do something brings a lot of tension and frustration to oneself. You get to the point were you have no idea if you can go on with it anymore or you begin to ask yourself if the passion you have is even worth it. Everyone has there own hobbies and enjoyments but only a few of these people stand out. These people that I refer to are those who want to make a change in their social life and others. These people are the ones who want to leave their mark in society, taking the risk of showing people who they are and what they want to show. Look at hip-hop who ever took out this culture or the people involved in this made a huge and I mean huge impact in everyone’s life from the breakers to the turntable’s and graffiti and don’t forget the Mc four elements creating something new.
I myself have always wanted to establish the inner voice I have and show my passion to those who don’t know who I am. I have always wanted to show people my photography I have been on the journey for that one perfect image that will give girls that orgasm and the guys the DAMM SNAP! But what ever that passion is people wanting to leave their mark in the world takes time. At the moment I have nothing that will contribute leaving the world in amazed. For now I am in the journey to find that establishment of WOW!
i wanna be a writer Darius M

I have always wonder how will people remember I would like to be remember as a kind person smart am well rounded an I would riley love to be remembered for my work as a writer of poetry music an story so I got 2 thinking what if I use me imagination an it truly is a gift I have performed my poems in tow slams in two years an one poem at a consort I have performed raps as well its not was cool I have the energy for it just not the love but I love writing both so I have decided to just write them I get to make my mark an make money so that’s how I plan to leave my stake
Taylor Cole: Answer to Matt

I really wouldn’t say I belong to any sub-culture, but if I had I would say I belong to a rock/sports sub-culture. I am always on the look for new rock talent or the “next big thing”. Also check Chicago sports on a day to day basis to see what’s going on and know if I should look forward to the next season. Recently in terms of music I went to see a relatively unknown band from Australia called Airbourne. Needless to say they will be huge in the near future, if you don’t know who they are look them up on YouTube I highly recommend them. I also have another somewhat unknown band I am going to see on August 15th, they are from Ireland called The Answer. This will be the second time I see them. The first time was when they opened for ACDC back in October and I was amazed that a talent like them could go unnoticed for so long, again if you don’t know who they are YouTube them and you will not be disappointed. As far as my near religious Chicago sports monitoring the team I follow most is the Chicago Bears. I love football and everything about it, when I found out that the Bears had acquired all-pro quarterback Jay Cutler from Denver a couple months ago my excitement for this season jumped from about a 7 to off the charts. As far as baseball goes I like it until football season starts. to me baseball season ends when football season begins.
Taylor Cole
Word Count:260
Day 6 Answer to Amanda Kevin Scott

Day 6 Question: Matt S.
nelson answer to matt day 7

My sub culture consists mostly of listening to different music like hip-hop to classical to emo. My group have always been different, in my group it is one marine, a skateborder, a video-gamer, a writer, and a producer. The marine is my friend josh, he is very eager towards leaving to serve and is always the most courageous and brave person of the group. The skateboarder is my friend Anthony, one of the most unique yet influential people of the group because he always has different things to bring to the table of life that leads me to think differently. The video-gamer is my friend Austin, he is the youngest but probably the one with the most potential to become smarter than all of us. He is a little lazy around the edges, but he is a quick learner and can be very clever at different instances. The writer is myself, I see myself as more of the backbone of the group because I tend to push them to do what they feel is right. I also am the advice giver, and the ambitious one that came from nothing to something. The producer is my friend Anthony, but we refer to him as shorty on account of his lower advantage to growth. He is probably the most ambitious out of all of us, he tends to focus on the larger objects and shoots straight to it. He is the main aspect of how this group came to be since me and him were friends before I met the others and the others can say the same. We all come together and have our own ways of enjoying the time spent together. Each of them make up our subculture and each of them has a big place in my heart, sometimes I tend to be a little more emotional than the others. I think it is because I come from a closer family where we always try to be involved in each others actions, but I equally love them all and I know they all love me as well.