Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Response #6 Malcolm

day 4 Answer kwamian

day 7 jabo

Day #7 Response: Lola Ogbara

I love to engage in artistic activities such as painting, photography, drawing, etc. Although these activities are fun for me, they don’t have the same affect on my family. It seems to draw me away from my family. Being that I am an artistic individual and very interested in the arts, no one in my family engages in such activity. I feel like I’m alone in the activities that we participate in as a family because no one shares the same feelings as me about art. They would all think it is just nice or cute but that’s as far as it goes.
As far as friends go, I pick them wisely. Because that, I feel as though my friends and I are on the same page as far as activities we engage in and what we like to do for fun. We are all on the same level, sort of like a “creative posse”. We all share the same artistic views and intellectual innovation.
Even though loving to engage in arts draws me away from family, I don’t see myself stopping. In fact, I would engage in these activities more and try to perfect my skill in the arts. Hopefully in the future my family would be more interested in what I do. Even though they are not as interested in art like me, they still support me more than I can ever ask for.
Walter Day 7: answer to Ashley's question

Graffiti has always been a big part of my life next to photography. As a young kid growing up with people who spend there time destroying the city painting every wall, trains, tagging on billboards. Has build me up to a an artistic individual, knowing that painting on private property is against the law made a vandal ready to paint anything in my way. Ever since a youngster I have been fascinated by the color the style the paint creating something that I have never experience. Till this day it has the same impact as when I was a young kid, I have spend some days were all I do is walk around painting walls on scrapping on metal leaving only my name, letting the city know who I am and to show that I am here to cover the city in paint.
This passion has drawn me away from my family. My parents know I do it and that I enjoy every moment of it. They know it’s a passion for me and that it means a lot as well. But for them knowing this has pushed me away from my family in that sense. They believe it’s a waste of time, that all I am doing is destroying my life doing non-sense. They fight and yell at me they tend to lock me in the house not letting me out, but for what if they know I am still going to be painting. It’s an addiction I tell them it’s a passion. I have spend some nights climbing water tower’s, running from cops, for what they tell me it’s the rush it’s the love its is what I do. It has been something that has taking me from society and the world it’s the illegal art that has brought me to be who I am.
Day 7 Answer: Matt Singleton

nelson answer day 7

Something that draws me away from my family is my usage of illegal substances. Being a young teenager, I was peer pressured into trying marijuana. At first I really did not like it for the fact it was looked down upon by a higher, more upscale community. After a while, I began looking at it as a part of me, which was around the time I finally began to accept it into my life. Since then, I have been a user for about 5 years. I myself see nothing wrong with that because it is almost as bad as a nicotine addiction but not as strong as something like a cocaine habit. I am in control with the substance although; sometimes it draws me away from my family because I usually exclude them from my daily planner when it is on my schedule. I usually use it in times of writing or hanging out with my friends. We all feel very strong towards the substance turning legal one day and hope to be part of a movement, if one is proposed. My friend Anthony wrote a whole paper towards why it should be legal because in high school we had a class called legislation. We wrote laws and had to argue them in class like a debate and he actually had his bill passed to try to become a law (well in high school). That was such an accomplishment due to the fact that bill had never been passed in the whole time of school. I feel that this substance draws me away from my family, but brings me closer to my friends and what I stand for in life.

I like japans cartoons an I have some friend who like it and some that don’t but I love them but when ever I go to the movie to see them most of the time I end up going alone its cool I guess but it kina hard when u wane talk about them an no one wane heir it but I still find some one to lessen an a lot of time I watch shows that the friends that do watch them have never even herd of like this show called s cty ed its a rely good show grate story line grate fight seines even head nice review but a lot of people never herd of it I like watching the under ground shows be 4 they get big like a show called elfin lead that is a show that I’m sure a lot of my friends wouldn’t watch be cues it a grim show but an a lot of shows I watch are they have the best stories some times some of my friends think I can be a nerd but hey it just me being me
Day 7 answer to Ashley E question kevin scott

Day 7 Amanda's response