Someone who influenced me to become somebody because of her own failures is actually my sister. My sister went away to Alabama State for a year, came back, fell in love, and got pregnant. After that, she didn’t get a chance to go back to school, seeing how she had to provide for her and her baby. She has held numerous jobs, but none that she loved. She worked so hard that she didn’t really have a chance to live her life. She didn’t get to go out to the clubs at night because she had to work the following morning. Even to this day, she still works so hard that she doesn’t really have time to catch up with herself. She works crazy hours, six out of the seven days of the week, and doesn’t even have time to spend with my niece. Once I got pregnant, I told myself that I would make time for my child. I didn’t plan on working or going away to school until she would be old enough to understand why I have to work and learn. I would spend all my time with my daughter. We would take her to the park, or we would just take walks to the neighborhood store for snacks. Every moment would count when it comes to my child and me. I didn’t want to miss a second of her life, no matter what. My daughter and niece both adore me and I love them both to death. I would do whatever it takes to make and keep them happy.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Response to Nelson's Question
Malcolm Day 9
Day 9 Answer: Matt Singleton
day 10 kwamain answer
Lola Ogbara's Answer
There isn’t too many people that I know who messed up majorly in their life. But someone that does come to mind is my father. It wasn’t that he screwed up his life; he just made things really hard for himself. In his past life, he wasn’t the best person. He didn’t attend college. He didn’t treat the women in his life with much respect, including my mother. At the moment, he has six children and two whom are toddlers. With the economy being the way it is and him not having a college education, it’s pretty hard for him to provide for his children, which are my half siblings. He also has a couple of health problems such as having bad eyesight, not being able to hear out of one ear, and being overweight. I feel that if he wouldn’t made better choices in his past and treated people better, maybe the things that are happening to him now wouldn’t be happening. I learned from his mistakes. I treat people with respect and with courtesy. I’m conscious of the decisions I make now so that the future is better for me. I have taken all the advice he and others have gave me so that I to won’t make the same mistakes. Now, my father is a better person. He is still stubborn but I’ve learned to live with it being that that’s just the way he is.
day 9
There is a drug addict that I have seen almost my hole life my mother told me that he was ones respectable be he be came strong out be for I was born how it happened to this day my mother never told me that but I only have knew hem as a addict my hole life so this man has been on drugs for over 18 years I often wonder way isn’t he dead yet but I can see he is in bad shape. He was like a brother to my mom in some ways he use to watch out for her but now he cant even watch out for hem self I even remember some day my mom use to give hem food he was an example on way I don’t want to do drugs
Day 10 response:
Darius Strickland Answer to Nelson Blog
Nelson Day 10 Question
Most people have role models and inspirations that they look upon to make themselves not only stronger but also more hungry to become someone. Now lets think about the people that are not your role model, is there someone that made you stronger from their own slack. Was their someone in life that messed up so bad that lead to you becoming a stronger person? Who are they? How did they mess up? And how or in what way are you stronger from that?