Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Darius strickland prompt

A big thing going on that I have to put up with in my life is violence. In Chicago a lot of people is getting killed for some of the smallest thing like the color you have on some people are even getting killed for just walking pass a group of boys that they know its hard in the streets right now you cant even go see a friend on the bus because when you get off the bus and you don’t know someone it a chance you going to get jump on or killed

The concrete example that I picked is the death of my grandma. When I was young, I was always following her around. Everywhere she went I was there. We had a natural bond with each other. Growing older we became best friends. I told her a lot of details about my life that I never even shared with my mom. When she passed away in 2004, it felt like a part of me died as well.
Walter Prompt Answer:

I come from a place were gangs fight over turf and drug money. Dressing really baggy and looking like their clothes where given to them by their older brothers. I have never like this ideal concept of the modern gang. While spending the time in California being in a gang was being a cholo being part of them meant honor and love for your background and your cultural history. I choose the low-rider image to show the honor these people have. The low-rider was invented in the 1920 when the Latinos were able to buy cars, after experiencing the great depression. There cars will get old and so in that process they turn the cars adding their own details and touches. From this invention and way of expression they as well come out with the low-rider bikes turning old bikes into modern cultural seen. Each image shows how the Latino cultural came up with ways to show their pride for there culture.
Day 11: Lola Ogbara

Both pictures that I have chosen represent money and the pursuit of happiness. The first picture was taken in the 1920’s during the depression. This to me is people trying to find a way out of the depression by any means necessary after the stock market crashed. The people photoed in the picture are standing in line for what appears to be a “fix” for America’s economy. They are desperate for happiness and this is their way of trying to pursuit that after a major financial decrease.
My second picture is of the world known icon, rapper, and entrepreneur, Sean Combs. Also known as P. Diddy. Anyone who knows him knows that he is very wealthy. In this picture, he’s getting out of a helicopter with two other model-looking females. All three are well dressed for what seems to be an important event. This picture to most may represent money and/or happiness. It’s not everyday that you see an average Joe hopping out of a helicopter with two models.
Day 11 Malcolm
Day 11: Matt Singleton

day 11

Taylor day 11
The concrete idea I have chosen is a part of my idenity, that is rock music specifically AC/DC. People who know me always associate me with rock music and ACDC they are my favorite band of a genre that heavily represents my look and the style in which I play my own music.

The first image is a picture from the Black Ice world tour. I chose this picture because it really shows the energy and style that I bring to everyday life that I have adopted through my love of rock music.
The second picture is from the very funny and famous movie Spinal Tap. I chose this image as well because it symbolizes the part of rock music I do not wish to be a part of. For those who have not seen this movie it is about a band of idiotic drug using rock stars and their path to fame. I am not saying I don't want to be famous because that would be a lie, but I do not ever wish to become a uneducated druggie with only one purpose in life.

Day 11 Kevin Scott
Example for Day 11 Prompt: Aaron.

So, I'm not going to complete the exercise, but if I were going to, I would now write one paragraph about a historical image of the Klan from the time period that my great-grandfather was involved with that movement, the 1920s (top image). I would then type another paragraph about my second image, one that would describe this more contemporary -- from my time, per se -- representation from (larger) macro-American pop-culture (image below). This is a video capture of Ed Norton starring in the film American History X. Perhaps I would describe how this image better represents the racism that I have encountered in my life experiences, and how that subculture has morphed and changed from my great-grandfathers time, which pre-dates Nazism in Germany, into my time, my cultural moment. Get to work.
Day 11 Prompt: Aaron.
Now, do the following:
1 - Pick one of the CONCRETE EXAMPLES from your list # 4 -- NOT one or any of your abstractions. You should identify this CONCRETE EXAMPLE in the first sentence of this Blog response.
2 - Post your two images.
3 - Now, the remainder of your reponse will assume the form of two paragraphs. One paragraph will explain and analyze how one image stands as a representation of the conconcrete example that you picked from your list #4, and your second paragraph will do the exact same for your other image.
4 - Get started, because this is healthy amount of work. Don't waste time.
5 - Above is my example. Check it out, quickly.