I can remember the moment as if it were yesterday, my eldest sister sat across the kitchen table trembling to tell my mother a secret she was so embarrassed to tell. The secret was she’s pregnant. I was only eight years and old and already going to be an aunt. My sister was a senior in high school and unemployed. There are many times I ask myself why she would act out of stupidity to ruin her life with not taking responsibility for her actions. However, none of the reasons I came up with were the right ones to explain why she did it. My sister was afraid to say another word with the horrible news she told, so my mother stood quiet and walked away from the table. Words were not the answer to the situation; although my mom made it clear she would never walk out on her children. My mother worked a full-time job at a retail store at the Water Tower, after work she would cry because of how exhausted she was and for comfort I would massage her back to show my concern. Up to this day my mom and I have been close and no matter what a situation was I seemed to find a way to comfort her. I promised her I would take all the precautions I needed to protect myself in every way. What made me most proud of who I am is that I never once doubted my strengths and perused dedication to my education.
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