Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
day answer by kwamain to arons post
well I’m stuck on just getting in right now then I need to pay for it after that It would be keeping up with the work study habits an not having to much fun other wise I think I would be ok I have come to the fact that I my self have to tack evey thing one day at a time or I will just get lazy an not care it happens to me often so I got a be ezey about some of this subject its just the way I am
Matt: Spring Semester

Slacking off. Nelson

Three struggles that I have, pertaining to Columbia college of Chicago would be my acceptance of the loans, being able to be dedicated to doing my work outside of school, and trying to keep my job and school time divided.
The acceptance of my loan is one of my main worries, since I was denied a plus loan. My parents have awful credit, so it is hard for me to get money for school. I feel that if you have no credit it should be looked at as good credit towards school loans because how is a person that enters college around eighteen able to establish credit, if no one gives them a chance. Also, you barely receive eligibility to get credit at eighteen and your supposed to have good credit in a matter of a few months, which is next to impossible.
My next worry is towards me being dedicated to doing my work when I am not in school. I have always had trouble getting my homework done since I am very easily distracted. My house is always busy and everybody there is usually very interactive with each other making it harder to concentrate. The reason why I did not do so well in Morton West high school was that when it came to doing homework, I would constantly slack off.
My last worry is being able to divide my time between my job and school. Now I know work comes after school, but I still need to work. I need the money and no one is going to help me if I do not make money. Although in the end, my school is the main priority and anything that gets in the way has to get eliminated immediately.
My main weakness in school is my determination to do the work after class is over. I tend to slack off after school and not think about the consequences until class starts up again and I have no work to give.
My strengths in school are my good test taking skills. I have always been able to do good on tests, that was probably the main reason how I passed high school when I was younger. I would slack the whole semester, and then when the final came I would just study and ace it.
WALTER: Fall Semester

I actually want to see the club I want to join some of them, maybe they can help me to throw my art out there and help me get my name out there. I actually think I will do fine with school work I have made my schedule not back to back that way I have some time to relax and actually get some work done. I want this new year this new beginning last I want to face the challenges that are ahead.
Lola Ogbara's Answer
Struggle number one: Procrastination.
I seem to procrastinate a lot. It all started my senior year of high school. I had a strong case of senioritis. I rarely ever did homework, I was careless about in class projects, and I would usually forget about school once I left for the day. I never did these things while I was a lower classmen. Some of my bad habits are still with me and I’m trying to break free of them. As much as I try to get rid of this habit, Procrastination seems to stick with me.
Struggle number two: Leaving Family.
My mother lives in Alton, Illinois, southern Illinois. I used to live down there with her but I recently moved back to Chicago the day after I graduated from high school. Even though we are apart right now, I still manage to call home and tell her about how my day is going. It’s hard now because I’m not actually officially enrolled at Columbia so I become restless or really bored. That leads me to think more of my mother and little brother. I know that once I get situated in college and in the dorms that it would be better but I still think it would be hard going through this process without them.
Struggle number three: Laziness.
I tend to get lazy with any kind of work, whether it’s schoolwork, housework, or having a job.
Success number one: School Work.
I plan on trying my best in college. I know I would probably get a little distracted but once I realize that I need to do this to succeed in life, I will get back in gear. I also want to be involved. I want to join some kind of club or organization since I’ve never really partaken in one in high school.
Success number two: Being Social.
I’ve always been a quiet soul with a laid-back aura. I plan on keeping my aura but I want to be more sociable. I feel like life passes me by sometimes because I keep to myself a lot. I want to make friends and not just stick to one type of friend.
Success number three: Artwork.
I want to expand my horizons in art. I plan on building a portfolio that I can take to any company at a job interview. I also want to become a better artist and perfect my skills in my area of work, which is painting, photography, designing, and drawing. I’m good now but I definitely think I can be better.
Struggle Vs. Success
My 3 Struggles:
- 1. I am worried about my schedule. I picked classes and didn’t consider the locations of the different campuses. I have a class that I have less than 10 minutes to get to but the distance is about 10 minutes away.
- 2. In a way, I am also worried about my English class because I don’t believe that English writing is one of my strong points. I struggle with my creative side sometimes and I do plan to get tutoring, if necessary.
- 3. I am currently having housing issues because I couldn’t get my deposit money in time. So I will most likely be commuting from the west side to downtown everyday by train.
My 3 Successes:
- 1. As far as my major goes, I don’t believe I will have any problems because I’ve wanted to sing ever since I can remember. I was probably about 10 or 11 when I heard myself sing aloud.
- 2. I’m looking forward to making new friends. I’m quiet and laid back, but at the same time, I’m a very outgoing person and I get along with just about any and everybody.
- 3. I believe this coming semester will have many activities to look forward to.
day 14 kevin scott promt
day 14
fall semester
Day 14: Aaron's Prompt.
First, we would like for you to list 3 struggles and or anxieties you have about entering this fall semester, completing the work that will be assigned you, etc. What do you feel like your areas of weakness are? Are you worried about your commute? Computer and/or Internet access? Housing issues, etc? Are you worried about math classes? Writing, etc? Are you worried about fitting in and/or finding like-minded friends to spend your down time with? Number your three struggles as you write and identify each struggle separately in each of your first sentences. You should then explain how and why you feel this struggle has come to mind. Explain your anxieties fully, as always.
Second, complete the same type of list, but now focus on three successes that you're anticipating for the coming semester. Do you feel like you put together a great class schedule with class times that suit you as a person? Do you think you'll do excellent in your history classes? Writing classes? Math classes? Are you excited to join a campus organization or club? Or to volunteer for a group or organization? To play music or act or sing with others whom share the same passions as you, etc? Follow the same model from above, being sure to identify your anticipated successes in each of your first sentences and explain fully how/why you feel the way you do, just as you will for your weaknesses.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Darius strickland prompt

A big thing going on that I have to put up with in my life is violence. In Chicago a lot of people is getting killed for some of the smallest thing like the color you have on some people are even getting killed for just walking pass a group of boys that they know its hard in the streets right now you cant even go see a friend on the bus because when you get off the bus and you don’t know someone it a chance you going to get jump on or killed

The concrete example that I picked is the death of my grandma. When I was young, I was always following her around. Everywhere she went I was there. We had a natural bond with each other. Growing older we became best friends. I told her a lot of details about my life that I never even shared with my mom. When she passed away in 2004, it felt like a part of me died as well.
Walter Prompt Answer:

I come from a place were gangs fight over turf and drug money. Dressing really baggy and looking like their clothes where given to them by their older brothers. I have never like this ideal concept of the modern gang. While spending the time in California being in a gang was being a cholo being part of them meant honor and love for your background and your cultural history. I choose the low-rider image to show the honor these people have. The low-rider was invented in the 1920 when the Latinos were able to buy cars, after experiencing the great depression. There cars will get old and so in that process they turn the cars adding their own details and touches. From this invention and way of expression they as well come out with the low-rider bikes turning old bikes into modern cultural seen. Each image shows how the Latino cultural came up with ways to show their pride for there culture.
Day 11: Lola Ogbara

Both pictures that I have chosen represent money and the pursuit of happiness. The first picture was taken in the 1920’s during the depression. This to me is people trying to find a way out of the depression by any means necessary after the stock market crashed. The people photoed in the picture are standing in line for what appears to be a “fix” for America’s economy. They are desperate for happiness and this is their way of trying to pursuit that after a major financial decrease.
My second picture is of the world known icon, rapper, and entrepreneur, Sean Combs. Also known as P. Diddy. Anyone who knows him knows that he is very wealthy. In this picture, he’s getting out of a helicopter with two other model-looking females. All three are well dressed for what seems to be an important event. This picture to most may represent money and/or happiness. It’s not everyday that you see an average Joe hopping out of a helicopter with two models.
Day 11 Malcolm
Day 11: Matt Singleton

day 11

Taylor day 11
The concrete idea I have chosen is a part of my idenity, that is rock music specifically AC/DC. People who know me always associate me with rock music and ACDC they are my favorite band of a genre that heavily represents my look and the style in which I play my own music.

The first image is a picture from the Black Ice world tour. I chose this picture because it really shows the energy and style that I bring to everyday life that I have adopted through my love of rock music.
The second picture is from the very funny and famous movie Spinal Tap. I chose this image as well because it symbolizes the part of rock music I do not wish to be a part of. For those who have not seen this movie it is about a band of idiotic drug using rock stars and their path to fame. I am not saying I don't want to be famous because that would be a lie, but I do not ever wish to become a uneducated druggie with only one purpose in life.

Day 11 Kevin Scott
Example for Day 11 Prompt: Aaron.

So, I'm not going to complete the exercise, but if I were going to, I would now write one paragraph about a historical image of the Klan from the time period that my great-grandfather was involved with that movement, the 1920s (top image). I would then type another paragraph about my second image, one that would describe this more contemporary -- from my time, per se -- representation from (larger) macro-American pop-culture (image below). This is a video capture of Ed Norton starring in the film American History X. Perhaps I would describe how this image better represents the racism that I have encountered in my life experiences, and how that subculture has morphed and changed from my great-grandfathers time, which pre-dates Nazism in Germany, into my time, my cultural moment. Get to work.
Day 11 Prompt: Aaron.
Now, do the following:
1 - Pick one of the CONCRETE EXAMPLES from your list # 4 -- NOT one or any of your abstractions. You should identify this CONCRETE EXAMPLE in the first sentence of this Blog response.
2 - Post your two images.
3 - Now, the remainder of your reponse will assume the form of two paragraphs. One paragraph will explain and analyze how one image stands as a representation of the conconcrete example that you picked from your list #4, and your second paragraph will do the exact same for your other image.
4 - Get started, because this is healthy amount of work. Don't waste time.
5 - Above is my example. Check it out, quickly.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Response to Nelson's Question

Someone who influenced me to become somebody because of her own failures is actually my sister. My sister went away to Alabama State for a year, came back, fell in love, and got pregnant. After that, she didn’t get a chance to go back to school, seeing how she had to provide for her and her baby. She has held numerous jobs, but none that she loved. She worked so hard that she didn’t really have a chance to live her life. She didn’t get to go out to the clubs at night because she had to work the following morning. Even to this day, she still works so hard that she doesn’t really have time to catch up with herself. She works crazy hours, six out of the seven days of the week, and doesn’t even have time to spend with my niece. Once I got pregnant, I told myself that I would make time for my child. I didn’t plan on working or going away to school until she would be old enough to understand why I have to work and learn. I would spend all my time with my daughter. We would take her to the park, or we would just take walks to the neighborhood store for snacks. Every moment would count when it comes to my child and me. I didn’t want to miss a second of her life, no matter what. My daughter and niece both adore me and I love them both to death. I would do whatever it takes to make and keep them happy.
Malcolm Day 9

Day 9 Answer: Matt Singleton

day 10 kwamain answer

Lola Ogbara's Answer
There isn’t too many people that I know who messed up majorly in their life. But someone that does come to mind is my father. It wasn’t that he screwed up his life; he just made things really hard for himself. In his past life, he wasn’t the best person. He didn’t attend college. He didn’t treat the women in his life with much respect, including my mother. At the moment, he has six children and two whom are toddlers. With the economy being the way it is and him not having a college education, it’s pretty hard for him to provide for his children, which are my half siblings. He also has a couple of health problems such as having bad eyesight, not being able to hear out of one ear, and being overweight. I feel that if he wouldn’t made better choices in his past and treated people better, maybe the things that are happening to him now wouldn’t be happening. I learned from his mistakes. I treat people with respect and with courtesy. I’m conscious of the decisions I make now so that the future is better for me. I have taken all the advice he and others have gave me so that I to won’t make the same mistakes. Now, my father is a better person. He is still stubborn but I’ve learned to live with it being that that’s just the way he is.
day 9

There is a drug addict that I have seen almost my hole life my mother told me that he was ones respectable be he be came strong out be for I was born how it happened to this day my mother never told me that but I only have knew hem as a addict my hole life so this man has been on drugs for over 18 years I often wonder way isn’t he dead yet but I can see he is in bad shape. He was like a brother to my mom in some ways he use to watch out for her but now he cant even watch out for hem self I even remember some day my mom use to give hem food he was an example on way I don’t want to do drugs
Day 10 response:

Darius Strickland Answer to Nelson Blog

Nelson Day 10 Question
Most people have role models and inspirations that they look upon to make themselves not only stronger but also more hungry to become someone. Now lets think about the people that are not your role model, is there someone that made you stronger from their own slack. Was their someone in life that messed up so bad that lead to you becoming a stronger person? Who are they? How did they mess up? And how or in what way are you stronger from that?
Monday, August 3, 2009
day 9 answer kwamin

day 9 jabo

Walter Day 9: Answer Responds

People have always rebelled against themselves, the government, or special occasions were they believed it was right to rebel. I myself have always rebelled against things that believed it was incorrect. Some of the occasions where I have actually gone against someone it happen when I was in junior year of high school.
I rouse to go against my community; my community is filled of gang and drug dealing, shoo tings almost every week. A place filled with gang writings on the walls. Children growing up believing having a gun are the way to be. I mean people are scared to go against the thorn stuck in the neighborhood not able to heal it. No one wanted to stand up for these guys. I was tired of this I wanted my brothers to go out without getting picked on or getting scared of stepping out. I rebelled against the oppression of those who were not allowing my people to have some good time sitting outside their house without anyone bothering them. I began to do a petition for more police in the neighborhood. I began to ask for more city cameras have at least a cop in every two blocks. The end was a success people began to gather protesting asking for more police watch more people began to see what it was meant to happen. We began to grow in numbers. People creating meetings and rallies.
Towards the end we received our police we received more watch. Police began to stop more of these gang members. They wouldn’t let them loiter on the corners. Little by little gang members are hardly coming out, sure there still there but they don’t bother do stupid things as they used to. When we began to ask for more policemen they began to see how drugs were involved in the neighborhood. It got to them to the point they raided a whole entire street were they arrested 5 main gang leaders arrested the neutrals of the gang the henchmen. They found up to 5 hundred pounds of drugs in each members house illegal guns even stolen merchandise. Thanks to the support of the people and me beginning to organize a petition the neighborhood has been a little more mellow sure there still there. No matter how hard you try gangs will always be there. You can slow them down but they are all there.
nelson answer day 9

When I was younger, my family never had money so when it came to my school clothes or a new haircut I was on my own. In my family it is more of you do not have to tell your parents what your doing or where you are, but it was on you to support yourself. I used to sell different things just to have my own money; it was the way my parents never wanted me to be. I would rebel because it seemed there was no other way. As my family had this belief that I did not have any money, my clothes began to change and so did my independency towards them. I stopped trying to get money out of them and just began living my life. That is usually when parents start to notice something is going on, when you are not bothering them for something. They started sneaking around my room and started to play investigators around the house. Noticing that I would have new clothes made them a little curious about the whole situation. I finally gave up that fast money dream, stopped rebelling towards my parents, and began picking up different hobbies to make money like DJing, cutting hair, and working on cars. I do not regret what I did in my past only because you should not regret things in the past because you can not do anything about them but just look forward in life and make sure you understand what you did wrong and what you can do to make it right. I understood my place in being wrong and now that I am older, I will only make my money in the best most convenient way.
Day 9 Amanda's response:

Day 9 Answer: Matt Singleton

Ashley Renee' Response 2 Malcolm's ?
In my mom’s eyes I was always her baby girl who could do no wrong. I always did what I was told with no back talk. Never questioned any of her motives. I guess you can say I was a mama’s girl! That was until I got a taste of the high school life. My first year in high school, I did nothing I was told. I would always tell her, “OK” but never do it. I started meeting new people and wanted to experience new beginnings. I start drinking close to my third semester of school. Once my mom found out, I could tell she was hurt but at the time it didn’t faze me. I didn’t really care because I felt like I was finally breaking out of my shell. I continued to drink. I drank so much that it became an everyday habit. I had to have a drink when I got home from school. Since I wasn’t old enough to buy my own liquor, I would ask my cousin to go get some for me. Sometimes I would steal whatever liquor was in the house and replace it with water, just so no one would know the difference. I stopped drinking when I reached my sophomore year and picked up a new habit. Smoking. I started smoking marijuana, at first, just to try it and see if the effects were as real as my friends said. Once I got addicted, this was my new habit. I smoked everyday. Before class, after and even on my lunch break. I smoked for close to 3 years because it became a stress reliever. In May of my senior year, I kicked the habit because I had gotten pregnant. I still continue to drink, but only at social gatherings, as far as smoking goes, I haven’t started back and don’t really plan to.
Malcolm's Question: Lola Ogbara
Being a teenager, there were plenty of times that I rebelled against my family, particularly my mother. She would ask me to come home around a certain time. Sometimes I came in at 1a.m the next morning. There was one time when I was out with some friends and I experimented with marijuana. I came home high and as much as I tried to deny it, my mother still knew that I was up to no good. My mother tells her mother everything that happens in the household so this event was no different. I soon got a call from my grandmother the next day. She was disappointed in me for doing what I had done. Hearing this from my grandmother is different from hearing it from my mother. When it’s from grandma, it’s bad. I felt disappointed in myself. I felt like I had failed her because she faith in everything I did. Not saying that my mother didn’t but the impact was much greater from grandma being that I’m much closer to her. From that point on, I didn’t come home high. I tried my best to come home at a reasonable time. I spent less time with the friends I experienced marijuana with. I learned from my mistakes so I tried to be more careful. The end result was that I got in less trouble with my parents.